What Money Can Buy--January 2016


Anse-a-Pitres Refugee Camp (Photo by John Carroll--September 16, 2015)

Anse-a-Pitres Refugee Camp (Photo by John Carroll–September 16, 2015)

“The urge to change the world is normally thwarted by a near-insurmountable barricade of obstacles: failure of imagination, failure of courage, bad governments, bad planning, incompetence, corruption, fecklessness, the laws of nations, the laws of physics, the weight of history, inertia of all sorts, psychological unsuitability on the part of the would-be changer, the resistance of people who would lose from the change, the resistance of people who would benefit from it, the seduction of activities other than world-changing, lack of practical knowledge, lack of political skill, and lack of money.”

New Yorker—Jan. 4, 2016


John A. Carroll, MD

