Haitian Hearts Patient Heurese Arrives!
Heurese (left) and Vita (Photo by John Carroll–June 2015)
Heurese is a young woman who Haitian Hearts has been treating for the past 16 years. She arrived in the United States just after midnight yesterday.
Her life story is incredible as is her medical saga. Against unbelievable odds Heurese has endured and has never given up her quest to stay alive.
Vita is Heurese’s sister. Vita brought Heurese to me for the first time in 1999. Heurese had been bedridden in her mother’s shack in a southern seaside village called Bainet. She was suffering from severe heart disease.
Her mother had already purchased Heurese’s wooden casket which was hanging over Heurese’s bed so the rats would not get into it before Heurese died. Heurese stared at her casket every day for many months. But neither Heurese nor Vita were willing to give up.
We were able to get Heurese’s heart operated in the States 15 years ago and Heurese did well. Her mother used the casket for someone else.
Heurese has been having more problems during the last few years and was reaccepted for surgery once again. Her problems are fairly complex, so please pray for Heurese that she will endure and continue the fight.
John A. Carroll, MD
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