Haiti in Crisis--September 9, 2015
Haiti in Crisis--September 9, 2015 (Photo by John Carroll)
A few days ago an innocent Syrian toddler drowned and washed up on the beach. He and his family were refugees from an insane place. His death captured the world.
“The migrants coming through the Balkans, many fleeing the chaos in Syria, have created a public and political response that previous waves, mostly Africans coming across the Mediterranean from Libya into Italy, have not.” (New York Times– September 9, 2015)
Innocent Haitian toddlers “wash up on the beach” every day here. But their deaths are not changing how we all think. I wonder why.
And thousands of “citizenless” people of Haitian descent have recently been expelled from the Dominican Republic and are drinking out of rivers on the Haitian-Dominican border tonight.
The issue of Donald Trump’s “faith” is not a crisis. Sixty million suffering and displaced people worldwide can tell us what crisis is all about. And this includes Haitians.
John A. Carroll, MD
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