Should I Write A Book?--January 2016


Hybenson (Photo by John Carroll--October 28, 2015)

Hybenson (Photo by John Carroll–October 28, 2015)

Dear Five Readers of Dispatches from Haiti,

I need to ask all of you a question: Should I write a book?

I have been asked by a few people when I am going to write a book. They are referring to me writing about my experiences in Haiti and in Peoria. My blogs are just too hard for some to get around. Paper pages that turn make much more sense to many folks including me.

But I never know how to answer.

First of all, I am lazy and know that writing a book must be a heck of an undertaking– doing research, using proper grammar and punctuation, and writing sentences that actually make sense. It doesn’t sound easy to me and I know it takes a lot of time. I like being a doctor but writing a book sounds like work to me.

Second, I have no idea HOW to actually write a book, get it published, etc. I don’t think it is for the weak-hearted or unmotivated person.

Third, I am not sure ANYONE would actually READ my book. My son Luke told me a couple of nights ago that I am posting about cholera in Haiti “over and over again”. And he seemed very bored with the subject even though he has never read ANY of my posts.

If I did construct a book, should it be happy or sad or in between? On Facebook, if I post a “happy” post, I get a few likes and maybe one share if I am lucky. If my posts are “dismal and depressing”(the majority), even though they are true, hardly anyone likes and no one shares. For some odd reason, people like happy news.

If I wrote a book, should I mention names?

For example, should I mention the name of a very esteemed Haitian doctor who told me that I would never get visas for sick kids unless I laid down some money for a certain organization in Haiti? Should I mention the name of the Haitian doctor and hospital who kick children out unless their parents pay up front for their breathless dying little ones? Should I mention the name of the Haitian state-run hospital that won’t let patients LEAVE unless they pay first? Should I ask what became of tens-of-thousands of dollars that never showed up on the list that was donated by a major “gifter” to a US medical center for INPATIENT care of Haitian Hearts children? (I know what became of the funds and it is not good.)  Should I mention the name of the US physician who was beating his wife and had the obscene license plate on his sports car, but he knew too much to be fired, and so he was made president of the hospital’s medical staff?  Should I mention the name of the hospital administrator who said “Haitian kids make me want to vomit” and “Fear amongst employees is a good thing”? Should I mention the name of the children’s hospital administrator who was cancelling tests for Haitian kids and thus slowing  their heart surgery?  Should I mention the name of the medical center who banned all their Haitian children from ever returning for repeat heart surgery even after the top Sister in the organization told me she would NEVER ban them?  Should I mention the name of the Catholic bishop who was afraid to do the right thing for sick Haitian kids due to his fear of  local business power brokers?

Would any of the above be important in a book about how poor Haitians are treated in Haiti and in the States? Should the perpetrators names above be changed a little and the nasty details be left in?  Would it diminish the book to include these details that many people don’t want to know? Would anyone believe it? Sure wouldn’t be a happy book, would it?

Should I include in the book the success stories of medical care for thousands of Haitians that has occurred in Haiti and in the States? Or is that just expected and too boring? Or too happy?

Should I put in the book, how I have evolved or devolved during the past 15 years? Who really cares?

Should I try to explain how it is impossible to predict who will care for poor Haitians and who won’t?

John A. Carroll, MD

Comments in 2016--

I would write a book. A factual telling of all your experiences in Haiti and Peoria. Anywhere there are people suffering when there is more than enough medical help that can be provided and tell those stories of hope. It would ultimately become the readers decision on whether is was sad or hopeful and that depends on the person. You have to start with this blog, find someone that has been through the process of constructing a book, find a person that is good in grammar and get started. I do feel like you will have a great audience, however marketing is key. There is a population of people that will read a book like yours, be in awe of what you have seen, what Haitians have endured and why nothing is being done. I have so much more to say but you get my point.

Good luck and go for it. I cannot wait to read it.
Best wishes.

Yes, please write the book and name those who you’ve encountered along your journey.
Enquiring minds want to know.

Yes, by all means write a book. Don’t worry about the spelling and grammar–or even the structure. That’s what editors are for, and they’ll do a lot if they think it’s an important book.

I’d be happy to advise on how to pitch a book to an agent or a publisher, which would be the second step. (First step: Write a letter to yourself about what you want the book to say, who you think needs to read it, how it would differ from other books on Haiti or health care in poor countries.) One obvious difference from competing titles: Your book would include plenty of your photos of Haitians and their world.

As for potential legal problems, I’d mention them in the pitch–not naming names, but much as you’ve done in your column. Not naming people should be enough for most publishers’ lawyers. I don’t recall Schwartz mentioning many names in Travesty in Haiti, and his book is all about crooks and racketeers.

And by all means call on me for advice and encouragement whenever you feel the need.

HI John, I read your blogs whenever they pop up on my news feed. I just left Haiti after 6 years working- although my work was not nearly as intense as yours and people ask me about writing a book. I have the basically the same thoughts, concerns and questions as you- who would read it beyond the 6 or so people that follow my blog and why?
For what its worth, I find what you have to say in your blogs valuable and thought provoking so why not write one (beside the fact that it seems like an overwhelming amount of work and time involvement). Good luck. In Haiti. With the book.

If you’ve been blogging about Haiti for years, you’ve already written most of your book; all you need to do is cut, paste, and stitch your posts together into a coherent book-length manuscript. Wrote my first book that way in 1985, several others since then.

Yes I would defiantly write the book,names along the way should be told.
I am A retired ICU Tech,I worked 38 years. I have ran into arrogant medical personal,but for the most part most have been out standing to work with,worked together as A team for the health and welfare of the patient.
I have worked in 8 different clinics in Haiti,from one end of the country to the other.Again my team members for the most part worked as A team ,that I can be very thankful about.
I have worked in triage many times,or remain willing to help with what needs to be done at the time. I work in Honduras,Belize and Vietnam and 8 times in Haiti.

Dr. John, You are a great writer and I read all of your posts because the inspire me to be a better person! They give me hope that someday someone with power will make a positive difference in Haiti, but in the meantime it is encouraging to know that you care about the plight of Haiti’s people and are willing to speak on their behalf… There is so much bad news about Haiti that people don’t want to know, yet we need to know. Your honesty in writing puts Haiti in our face in a way that makes me want to stand up and be a part of making a difference! (However, my enthusiasm was curtailed by my husband when I wanted to go to the border and collect all of those elderly grandmammas and bring them to my orphanage). Write the book (you can dictate it on a Dragon program) and find an editor to clean up the grammar and punctuation… Caution in using names for legal reasons, but we know who you are talking about ðŸ™‚ Blessings!!!

I would fear, right now, that writing a book would take too much of you away from the people you love, your patients and friends in Haiti. Everything you write now is filled with emotion and that is what makes good reading and hopefully action by somebody who wants to help in one way or another. You would have so many experiences and memories that you may never be able to finish or put into words, your feelings . Your heart is so full!
If you were to write a book, I would rush to buy it and then buy many more to give to others. I already know that it would be great. You would also be putting into words my years of experience, feelings, love and pain for me in Haiti.
I wish you comfort in making your decision. I wish you love in the pain when you recall an experience from years ago. I wish you “God Speed” in choosing your words.
Take care and God Bless you. Patty

Just started reading your blog, you have a gift for describing, observing and understanding the underlying symptoms ! I will read your book with great pleasure. The title ?
“The Doctor’s Report, With Love”
Good luck,
#6 blog reader

Dr. Carroll, First, I know you have more than five readers. Second, yes, you should write a book. Third, if your safety is assured, by all means name names and places. As someone who has been traveling to Haiti for fifteen years doing medical clinics, I love reading your posts. You could contact Judy Hasselhoff about the logistics of a book. I can’t wait to read it. BTW my husband is an editor.

As one of your five readers I am delinquent in responding to this question. Heck yes you should write a book and heck yes it should include names and dates and places. In my humble opinion your book has already been written or at the very least you have begun. All you need is someone to compile your introspective and heartfelt blogs together with your astoundingly poignant photographs. Done. I would buy it in a heartbeat. I could and would read your stories over and over again. You are not only a doctor but an ambassador for the Haitian people.

Yes, write a book–or several. I have been traveling to Haiti for 36 years to work with a community in the mountains. I have always wished I had medical training so I would be able to do more in Haiti. You are well known-I met you many years ago. Just found your blog again. Each story is so touching and reminds me of the community I work in. Haiti is so difficult. Thank you for doing what you do!!

Writing a book is not an easy task it requires a lot of hard work. Similarly, when you are preparing for your dissertation you also need a lot of hard work so that your dissertation looks perfect. I will suggest you get help from this website The articles available on these websites and the writers are so amazing having a professional knowledge.
