Jean-Wendy Update–February 27, 2016
Jean-Wendy and father–January, 2016 (Photo by John Carroll)
Father Milton, the Pedernales Catholic priest, notified me that he took Jean-Wendy and his mother to the pediatric ophthalmologist in Barahona which is two hours by road from Pedernales.
The doctors have determined that Jean-Wendy’s eyes have been damaged so much that he will never have vision. They have recommended that his eyes be removed and be replaced with artificial eyes.
In the meantime, his mother is deciding whether to stay where they are in Park Cadot or move back to Pedernales with the help of Father Milton. There is also much talk of closing Park Cadot by international and regional authorities who recently toured the camps and found the living conditions abysmal for the two thousand people ensconced there.
So the situation in Park Cadot and Jean-Wendy’s predicament remains very fluid.
Thank you all for your interest in this child.
John A. Carroll, MD
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