Haiti and Covid--June 17, 2021

Photo by John Carroll

I talked to a Haitian friend today who has a health clinic in Haiti and he told me the following-- 

  • He purchases a Covid test from the Haitian government for 20-25 US dollars.
  • He charges patients 50 dollars US for the test. 
  • If he does 10 tests each day, 3 come back positive.
  • If people come in sick with Covid signs and symptoms and they don't have enough money to pay for the test, they don't get tested.
  • My friend said that there are many in his community who have signs and symptoms of Covid that don't come to his clinic to get checked.  
  • He has no adequate space and not enough oxygen to care for his sick Covid patients and so he sends them elsewhere.
  • No vaccinations against Covid are available in Haiti. 

John A. Carroll, MD
