My Email Gets Blocked

I wrote the following email on September 20, 2006 while I was in Haiti. Willie Fortune was hospitalized in OSF and having an extended stay with heart surgery. 

On September 20, 2006, I sent the following e-mail to Sister Judith Ann, Bishop Jenky, Douglass Marshall, Keith Steffen, Paul Kramer, Joe Piccione, Gerry McShane, and James Moore--

Dear Everybody,

Please go to to "Preintroduction". Another good link on this site is "Willie's Pacemaker" to provide some history.

Willie's Haitian mom stopped by today and I gave her an update regarding Willie. 

This is all such a sad commentary on OSF and the Catholic health care industry. I hope that other Catholic medical centers in the U.S., as well as OSF in Peoria, can learn something from Willie's saga so other patients living on society's edge are not marginalized. 

Please pray for Willie, his mom, and his adoptive family.



Today, September 25, 2006, I received this reply from Gerry McShane:

"will ask Mr. Nauman to block this e-mail"


Dr. McShane sent this statement to all of the people above I had sent the e-mail to regarding Willie Fortune. Did he mean to e-mail me also to discourage me or was this an error? Does this mean he is asking Mr. Nauman (at OSF Corporate) to block any further e-mails from me? Sounds like it to me. Interestingly, shortly after Willie was admitted to OSF in June, 2006, I called Dr. McShane and told him I was submitting a formal complaint regarding Willie's care at OSF and requested an ethics consult by the Ethics Committee at OSF. (Willie was denied care at OSF in 2004 with full charges being offered for his care. Keith Steffen, CEO at OSF, appeared to be laughing out the administrative window at OSF as Willie and I picketed OSF from the sidewalk outside of administration.)

Dr. McShane is Director of the Ethics Committee. I have requested Ethics Committee consults in the past 5 years (via email and personally) and never heard back from them. Dr. McShane told me that he did not know if my emails were getting through to the people at OSF. Now I see why.

Dr. McShane is paid half a million dollars a year at OSF-Corporate. He really needs to take complaints such as these very seriously that regard institutional neglect of patients. Dr. McShane should not block emails. The good Sisters need to hear ethical complaints of all types no matter how painful they are. Willie is not a case that OSF is proud of, but silence and obstructing communication is not the answer.

Dr. McShane knows better.

My Comments in 2021--

My email to any OSF address was blocked for the next 10 years. 
