Maxime--October 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Dear Doctors,
Maxime Petion is a 21-year old that was operated at OSF in 2002. He had a #27 CE pericardial valve put in his mitral position.
He has done well in Haiti until this year. He had a CVA on Oct. 5 which hit his speech center in his left cortex. He is much improved from a neuro standpoint. He talks and walks on his own. His strength is good in his right arm and leg 4/5. His speech is very good. Some motor aphasia but no receptive aphasia.
His exam today: 110/94 right arm. Bifid pulse at right brachial. Respiratory rate is 40 at rest. Able to lie flat without problem. Dyspnea on exertion but climbs steps pretty well. Heart rate is regular about 80. Not in atrial fib. Neck--no JVD. Lungs diminished tones at right base. Chest xray in morning. Heart: 3/6 holosystolic murmur left sternal border about 6th ICS. PMI at 6th ICS midclavicular line. I think I hear a right sided S3. Could not hear a diastolic murmur.
Abdomen: liver not enlarged or tender. No ascites. No jaundice or icterus.
Echo today: Severe calcified mitral stenosis with 31 mm gradient across mitral valve. Some MR. Moderate AI. Right ventricle and right atrium enlarged. Significant TR with RV pressure measured at 77 mm hg with PAP estimated at 87. Big left atrium. Normal size LV. LV has borderline low EF of 44%.
I have him on the usual meds to try and keep him alive. Seems like mainly RV failure with high pulmonary pressures secondary to MS. No thrombus noted after stroke. I have him on ASA. No coumadin to give him now. He is alert and totally coherent. Good appetite. My wife and I have him in our room with us.
I emailed Sister Judith Ann and others several weeks ago about Maxime with no answer as usual. (Dr. McShane sent me an email a couple of months ago indicating he was blocking my emails to people at OSF.) So much for open and honest communication at OSF.)
Need your help. What should I do? Please ask Kramer and Steffen and Doug Marshall to come to their senses and accept these kids back that should not be denied care.
Thanks. His picture and quick video attached.
My Comments in 2021: This post from Dying in Haiti was an open post for any doctor at OSF who would be willing to help getting Maxime surgery at OSF. When OSF blocked my emails to them that was a significant (bad) gesture on their part which isolated my kids in Haiti all the more who needed to return to Peoria.
October 14, 2006:
In 2002, Haitian Hearts brought Maxime to Peoria for heart surgery. He was 17 years old. After surgery at OSF, we took him back to Haiti.
Below is an e-mail I sent today (10/14/2006) hoping that OSF will remove their ban on Haitians that have been OSF patients in the past and will die without heart surgery now.
Dear Sister Judith Ann, Keith, Paul, Joe, Gerry, and Doug Marshall,
Sister, I hope you receive this e-mail, but you may not. It appears that Dr. McShane, Chairman of the Ethics Committee at OSF, may have participated in blocking e-mails I have sent to you in the past.
Maxime is a 21-year-old young man that was operated at OSF-SFMC in 2002. He had a diseased mitral valve and it was repaired. He has done very well in Haiti, playing soccer and going to school until recently.
Unfortunately, he needs to return to OSF-SFMC for more cardiac surgery. He lives about 5 hours outside of Port-au-Prince and his brother came here (PAP) yesterday to tell me about Maxime’s condition. Maxime could not make the trip due to his physical problems.
Please stop the OSF-SFMC ban on Haitians that were OSF’s patients in the Haitian Hearts program. As you know a number of former patients have suffered and died and more OSF-SFMC Haitian Hearts patients need to return to Peoria or they will die too.
I am sure that the doctors and nurses that cared for Maxime would be happy to do so again. They would have been happy to take care of Jackson Jean-Baptiste if he would have survived.
I will need to renew his passport in PAP if you agree on his return. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will accept Maxime so we can begin this paperwork and Haitian Hearts will fly him back to Peoria.
John----Open Letter to The Catholic Diocese of Peoria and OSF

December 3, 2006
Dear Bishop Jenky, Sister Judith Ann, Keith Steffen, and Paul Kramer,
I have been following the weather conditions in Peoria from here in Haiti. The snowfall, winds, and cold seem to have partially paralyzed central Illinois.
Haiti’s condition is actually much worse than Peoria, even though the weather is much nicer. The people here suffer every sort of injustice known…except snow and ice.
Please prayerfully consider accepting Maxime Petion at OSF for evaluation of his heart. I emailed you about Maxime 6 weeks ago, but didn’t hear back.
Maxime was operated several years ago at OSF when he was 17 years old. He is suffering greatly in congestive heart failure.
It is my understanding that OSF’s International Committee is going to meet this week and discuss whether Maxime will be accepted at OSF. Unfortunately, no Sisters sit on this Committee.
As you know, Paul Kramer, Director of Children’s Hospital of Illinois, called the American Consulate in Port-au-Prince several years ago to stop Haitian Hearts patients from obtaining visas to travel to Peoria. Mr. Kramer sits on the Committee. Also, OSF’s legal counsel, Doug Marshall, wrote me a while back stating that OSF will not accept any Haitian Hearts patients even when full or partial charges were offered. These actions by OSF’s leaders are opposite to the Sisters' Mission Statements and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services written by the Catholic Bishops in the United States.
His host family in the Peoria area are very concerned about Maxime and even suggested to me that they come here to be with Maxime and his family. Political violence and kidnappings in Haiti are at an all-time high, so I have discouraged his host family from traveling here.
Haitian Hearts will offer you $10,000 upfront for Maxime’s life. I am pleading with you to give Maxime another chance at OSF.
He will die soon unless something is done very quickly.
Comments in 2021--I did not hear back from anyone on Maxime. Maria and I kept on caring for Max in our room in Haiti. -----Monday, December 18, 2006Maxime

December 3, 2006
Dear Bishop Jenky, Sister Judith Ann, Keith Steffen, and Paul Kramer,
I have been following the weather conditions in Peoria from here in Haiti. The snowfall, winds, and cold seem to have partially paralyzed central Illinois.
Haiti’s condition is actually much worse than Peoria, even though the weather is much nicer. The people here suffer every sort of injustice known…except snow and ice.
Please prayerfully consider accepting Maxime Petion at OSF for evaluation of his heart. I emailed you about Maxime 6 weeks ago, but didn’t hear back.
Maxime was operated several years ago at OSF when he was 17 years old. He is suffering greatly in congestive heart failure.
It is my understanding that OSF’s International Committee is going to meet this week and discuss whether Maxime will be accepted at OSF. Unfortunately, no Sisters sit on this Committee.
As you know, Paul Kramer, Director of Children’s Hospital of Illinois, called the American Consulate in Port-au-Prince several years ago to stop Haitian Hearts patients from obtaining visas to travel to Peoria. Mr. Kramer sits on the Committee. Also, OSF’s legal counsel, Doug Marshall, wrote me a while back stating that OSF will not accept any Haitian Hearts patients even when full or partial charges were offered. These actions by OSF’s leaders are opposite to the Sisters' Mission Statements and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services written by the Catholic Bishops in the United States.
His host family in the Peoria area are very concerned about Maxime and even suggested to me that they come here to be with Maxime and his family. Political violence and kidnappings in Haiti are at an all-time high, so I have discouraged his host family from traveling here.
Haitian Hearts will offer you $10,000 upfront for Maxime’s life. I am pleading with you to give Maxime another chance at OSF.
He will die soon unless something is done very quickly.
Comments in 2021--
I did not hear back from anyone on Maxime. Maria and I kept on caring for Max in our room in Haiti.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Maxime is the 21-year-old Haitian young man who was rejected by OSF-SFMC in Peoria for repeat heart surgery. Maria and I are caring for him in Haiti. He sleeps kneeling on the floor with his upper body draped over the bed. He can breathe better at night in this position but still sleeps fitfully. He shouldn't have to exist like this.
Maxime has been accepted by Cleveland Clinic Foundation for evaluation. We are trying to keep him alive in Haiti until we get him to Cleveland.
When I told Maxime's brother this morning that he had done a good job taking care of Maxime, he smiled and responded in Haitian Kreyol, "We want life".
Maria and I are caring for him in Haiti.
He sleeps kneeling on the floor with his upper body draped over the bed. He can breathe better at night in this position but still sleeps fitfully. He shouldn't have to exist like this.
Maxime has been accepted by Cleveland Clinic Foundation for evaluation. We are trying to keep him alive in Haiti until we get him to Cleveland.
When I told Maxime's brother this morning that he had done a good job taking care of Maxime, he smiled and responded in Haitian Kreyol, "We want life".
Maxime has been accepted by Cleveland Clinic Foundation for evaluation. We are trying to keep him alive in Haiti until we get him to Cleveland.
When I told Maxime's brother this morning that he had done a good job taking care of Maxime, he smiled and responded in Haitian Kreyol, "We want life".
Maxime Petion (1985--2007)
Maxime's Obituary
Maxime's Anniversary
Wednesday, December 26, 2007