Medical Conflict of Interest in Peoria--Journal Star Forum Article--2004

This article was submitted by me to the Journal Star Opinion page. I am commenting on the corrupt Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board as well as the medical conflict of interest in Peoria. 

"Regarding the Journal Star editorial July 16--"Send Corrupt Health Facilities Planning Board to Morgue":

'The Journal Star states that in Illinois "Any board with this much authority over this much money becomes a trough of corruption." Truer words could not have been written. For thirty years lobbyists, attorneys, and politically connected people have influenced the decisions made by this nine-member board regarding constructing new hospitals and expanding existing ones in Illinois.

"Unfortunately, similar conflict of interest and cronyism is currently occurring in Peoria. The stakes are very high here with lives and money on the line.

"In Peoria we have one paramedic transport company--Advanced Medical Transport (AMT). Its medical director is Dr. George Hevesy who happens to be the medical director of OSF-SFMC Emergency Department. Dr. Hevesy is salaried by both OSF-SFMC and AMT. OSF is the main supporter of AMT and is also the base station for all emergency medical services in central Illinois. 

The AMT board of directors, composed of prominent Peorians, has the support of the OSF-SFMC board of directors. Dr. Hevesy's relationship with the Illinois Department of Public Health in Springfield, which regulates paramedics and ambulances in the state, is well known in emergency medicine circles throughout Illinois. And finally, the Peoria city council, who will decide if AMT remains in total control of paramedic care and transport in Peoria for the next decade, will consider the findings and recommendations of a California based consulting firm called Matrix. Members of the council suspect" a preexisting relationship between AMT and this California firm. One needs a scorecard to keep track of this local health care travesty.

In the meantime the Peoria Fire Department (PFD) continues to respond to medical emergencies and can only provide Basic Life Support (not Paramedic care), and cannot transport patients at the scene--even with their one ambulance. The PFD obviously does not enjoy the support of the above-named individuals, boards, and state agencies.

The real loss, of course, is for Peorians that suffer an out-of-hospital medical emergency. State-of-the-art prehospital emergency care is not offered in Peoria--not because we can't, but because our medical mafia will not allow it.

John Carroll, M.D.
