Renaldo's Obiturary--December 2010


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Renaldo's Obituary


Born April 4, 2010--Died December 6, 2010

Renaldo, eight months old, of Bon Repos, Haiti was pronounced dead at 9:05 AM this morning at a Cholera Treatment Center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Renaldo was the son of his Papa and Mama who were present at his death.

Renaldo was admitted to the Cholera Treatment Center yesterday with his mother who is also a patient there. She witnessed his death lying on a green cholera cot just a few feet away.

Renaldo is survived by his two older siblings and his loving aunt in Bon Repos, Haiti.

The family loved Renaldo. His expressive eyes and smile wrapped everyone up with happiness.

His family would like to thank all who cared for him during the last 24 hours of his life, especially his aunt, who is also the primary caregiver for Renaldo’s mother.

Minutes after Renaldo’s death, oral rehydration solution was used to baptize him on his sweet forehead. His body was wrapped in the usual fashion after a cholera death in Haiti and taken to an undisclosed location.

There will be no memorial services.
My Comments in 2021--
I wrote this obituary after Renaldo died. Most Haitian babies of course never have a formal written obituary. They just die and are buried as their parents' financial abilities allow. 
I hope I will never forget Renaldo and the social injustice which took his life at such a young age. 
