Rose--July 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Rose is 10 years old and lives in southern Haiti with her mother and brothers and sisters. They have nothing except themselves and cousins.
I examined her yesterday and she has a big heart that does not work well due to the fact that one of her valves is damaged.
Rose was in Port-au-Prince with her father on January 12, the day of the earthquake.
The house they were in collapsed and her father was killed. Rose was trapped for four days under the walls and roof until she was pulled out. She wasn't hurt.
But she needs heart surgery now.
Rose has ALOT of spunk and would like to live a long life after surviving the quake.
What to do?
My Comments in 2021--
I was not able to find a children's medical center which does heart surgery and Rose died in 2010.
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