Chronology of Events in Haiti--2021

Chronology of Events in Haiti

(Photo by John Carroll)

No one really "understands" Haiti. But here is a short chronology of events since Christopher Columbus landed on Haiti's shores and declared that the indigenous natives he found would make "docile servants." 

Christmas Eve, 1492 Haiti is "discovered" by Christopher Columbus and really never recovers.

1500s, 1600s, 1700s Middle Passage occurs and people brought from Africa to Haiti to work as slaves in the Pearl of the Antilles. They work until they drop and are replaced by another boat full of unfortunate people. 

August 14, 1791 A slave uprising begins in northern Saint-Domingue

Februrary 4, 1794 Abolition of French colonial slavery

January 1, 1804 Saint-Domingue is renamed Haiti, and declares itself independent of France; Haiti becomes the first successful slave revolution in history and this scares the United States for obvious reasons. 

1825 France recognizes Haitian independence for the payment of 150 million francs (later reduced to 90 million as compensation for lost property). In other words, France and Napoleon, who lost the war to the Haitian slaves, told Haiti you owe us a bunch of money. Not sure how that worked, but Haiti paid France what they "owed" in the 1940s. 

1915-34 The United States (under Woodrow Wilson) invades and occupies Haiti; Franklin Delano Roosevelt exclaimed that he was surprised to see that black people spoke French. 

September 22, 1957 Francois Duvalier (‘Papa Doc’) becomes president for life. He really was an MD and helped fight Haiti's yaws problem until he became more interested in local politics. 

April 21, 1971 Francois Duvalier dies and is succeeded by his son 19-year-old Jean-Claude (‘Baby Doc’)

February 7, 1986 ‘Baby Doc’ is pushed out of Haiti by a popular uprising; General Henry Namphy takes power

December 16, 1990 Jean-Bertrand Aristide is elected with 67% of the vote; his prime minister is Rene Preval

September 30, 1991 General Raoul Cedras overthrows Aristide, who goes into exile; over the next few years several thousand of Aristide’s supporters are killed

Summer 1993 The paramilitary death squad FRAPH is formed, led by Toto Constant and Jodel Chamblain

September 19, 1994 US soldiers occupy Haiti for the second time; Aristide returns from exile after making a deal with President Clinton about "privatization" in Haiti, whatever that means.....

Early 1995 Aristide disbands Haiti’s armed forces. Titid had a knack at making people mad at him. 

Mid-1995 Aristide’s party Fanmi Lavalas wins legislative elections

December 17, 1995 Rene Preval is elected with 88% of the vote

Late 1996 Formation of Fanmi Lavalas in opposition to ex-Lavalas faction

May 21, 2000 Fanmi Lavalas wins landslide victories at all levels of government; opponents form a US-backed coalition called the Convergence Democratique

November 26, 2000 Aristide is re-elected with 92% of the vote

July 28, 2001 First of many commando raids on police stations and other government facilities by ex-soliers based in the Dominican Republic, led by Guy Philippe

December 17, 2001 Ex-soldiers attack the presidential palace, provoking popular reprisals against the offices of parties belonging to Convergence Democratique

April 2003 Aristide asks France to repay the money it extorted from Haiti; Titid continues to make people and countries upset with his "audacity".

January 1, 2004 Haiti celebrates the bicentenary of independence from France; but Haitians don't appear free to me

February 5, 2004 Full-scale insurgency begins, Chamblain overruns Cap Haitien

February 29, 2004 Aristide is forced onto a US jet and flown to the Central African Republic

March 2004 US troops occupy Haiti for a third time, interim government is formed with Gerard Latortue as P.M., the Lancet estimates thousands killed by police and anti-Lavalas paramilitaries

June 2004 US-led force is replaced by a UN stabilization mission (MINUSTAH)

February 7, 2006 Preval wins presidential elections with 51% of the vote

January 12, 2010 Catastrophic earthquake rocks Port-au-Prince
October 2010 Haiti's cholera becomes largest cholera outbreak in the world
2011 President Michel Martelly elected (maybe)
2015 '16 Hundreds of thousands of Haitians and Dominicans with Haitian blood are deported from the DR to Haiti and live in the worst refugee camps one can imagine. Neither country wants these stateless people. 
2016 President Jovenel Moise elected (maybe)
2019 MINUSTAH leaves Haiti; the UN charged about 1 million dollars a day since 2004. Seems to me the money could have been used a little wiser for the people of Haiti who didn't have much to show for the efforts of MINUSTAH...besides cholera, of course.
2019 Last case of cholera after at least one million Haitians infected the previous 9 years
2020 Covid strikes the rest of the world including the Dominican Republic but spares Haiti since there is "so much sun in Haiti" and "people drink homemade tea" (yeah, right)
2021 President Jovenel Moise refuses to step down and attempts to rewrite the Haitian constitution granting more power to the president. People march in street all the time opposing Jovenel and the missing PetroCarib oil money to the tune of a couple of billion dollars. And along with kidnappings and gangs, and police shooting police, Haiti is closed down much of the time. But even with this mayhem, it does not stop the Biden administration from deporting Haitian after Haitian using the Trump/Steven Miller racist policies. 

All in all, after the epic earthquake of 2010, Haiti was not "built back better"
