Writing about Writing--January 3, 2021


Daniel was operated at OSF in Peoria in the early 2000s. He needed to return for further heart surgery in the early 2010s but was refused by OSF. He was successfully brought to another medical center in the US where he had repeat heart surgery. I took this photo of Daniel as he sat in his shack in a violent slum in Port au Prince prior to his repeat surgery in 2014. 

So with the book, I will write about the challenges Haiti must overcome like:

  1. Being poor
  2. Being badly governed
  3. Having no infrastructure (roads, electricity, zoning, etc)
  4. Having no security
  5. Having few jobs
  6. Having to pay off France a huge amount of money for defeating France in the mountains of Haiti in the late 1700s
  7. Being black and having the first successful slave revolution in history
  8. Having AIDS in the early 80s (most likely introduced to Haiti by Americans)
  9. An epic earthquake in 2010 that killed several hundred thousand people in a few seconds
  10. Having almost every bad disease/epidemic known to man including cholera, Chikungunya, Zika, and if enough testing were done to confirm, Covid-19

So to be complete, do I need to add that Peoria's OSF-SFMC with the backing of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, broke all medical ethics and also disobeyed the Ethical and Religious Directives of the Catholic Bishops of the United States, when OSF-SFMC did not allow Haitian kids who had been operated at OSF-SFMC to return to OSF for follow up heart surgery?

And some of these Haitians have died. 

These actions by people who know better is very bad. 

Should I put that in the book to be complete?
