Father Andre Sylvestre's Funeral--September 23, 2021

Notre Dame de la Assumption--Cap Haitien (Photo by John Carroll)

The Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Assumption in Cap Haitien was packed for the funeral of Father Andre. Several thousand people were in pews with many people flowing out of the back door. (The Cathedral dates from 1670, when Haiti was a colony of France and is a testimony of its presence in the Caribbean. In the square of the Cathedral, the liberation of the slaves was proclaimed the 29 of August 1793. Wikpedia) 

Father's white casket was in the front of the church just below the altar. And behind the altar were the dozens of priests and bishops from all over Haiti remembering Father Andre on the day of his funeral. 

(Photo by John Carroll)

At around 9:20 AM the Mass started and was celebrated by the Archbishop of Cap Haitien. 

During the Mass, there were multiple different homilists with the majority of them mentioning all the good Father Andre had done during his life serving the poor in his parishes in Plaissance and Robillard. They also mentioned the assassins who had killed Father in this country which is devoid of security for its people.  

At the Offertory of the Mass, many of Father's orphans proceeded up the main aisle, led by one of the Catholic Sisters who provide them care at the orphanage. And the orphans walked up on the altar, turned around, and clapped in honor of Father as they stood facing his casket. 

Photo by John Carroll

The Mass went on for close to three hours. It was completely dignified as was the congregation which, aside from periodic wailing, was quiet and reverent. This celebration was a great tribute to Father. 

Photo by John Carroll

After Mass was over, a huge funeral procession wound through the streets of Cap Haitien and eventually climbed a very steep hill to the cemetery where Father was laid to his eternal rest.

Photo by John Carroll

John A. Carroll, MD

